The Perrin Technique™ for ME/CFS
About the Perrin Technique™
The Perrin Technique™ is a clinically trialled osteopathic approach to the diagnosis and treatment of CFS/ME Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Research has continued and developed since starting in 1989 by Dr Raymond Perrin (an osteopath). People with Long Covid are increasingly trying and reporting improvements with the Perrin Technique
Dr Perrin’s view is that CFS/ME is a neurological problem and not a psychiatric problem. Continuing research is starting to show ME/CFS has diagnosable physical signs and is treatable through the musculoskeletal system and the lymphatic system by appropriately trained therapists.
The treatments aim is to manually stimulate the fluid movement through the brain and spinal cord. Manipulation of the spine further aids drainage of “toxins” out of the cerebrospinal fluid. Massage of the soft tissues in the head, neck, back and chest direct all the toxins out of the lymphatic system and into the blood, where the blood is purified by the liver.
Eventually, with no toxins affecting the brain, the sympathetic nervous system begins to function correctly, and providing the patients do not overstrain themselves their symptoms should gradually improve and in time patients can become symptom-free.
Raymond Perrin personally trained me in his Manchester clinic in 2005. I am one of the longest trained therapists treating people with ME/CFS in Scotland. At present I am the only licensed Perrin Technique Practitioner in the West of Scotland and I probably have the most experience using the Perrin Technique™ as taught by Dr Perrin
Initial Perrin Consultation
This initial Perrin consultation appointment is now performed either online or by phone.
The Initial Perrin Consultation is an opportunity to find out more about the Perrin technique. You can ask any questions and get them answered. You can then go away and think if you want to make an appointment.
This appointment can last a minimum of half an hour.